We will use Medicare as
an example but this could apply to Medicaid or other third party insurance companies as well
Medicare claims get denied mainly for the following
Incorrect or missing ICD-9
Incorrect or missing CPT-4
Duplicate claim
Additional information needed
to process the claim
Claim billed amount incorrect
Incorrect or missing CPT
procedure code
Physician's name and/or
UPIN missing or incorrect
Incorrect or missing place
of service code
Incorrect or missing quantity
of services (Service billed without "quantity" noted, or with multiple quantities indicated in error on claim)
Services inappropriately
As you can see, some of
the main reasons for claims denials is incorrect/incomplete data entry and incorrect medical coding
AAPC-certified medical coders
know the ins and outs of both diagnostic coding and procedural coding
Handling CPT and
HCPCS coding. We code for surgery, lab and other tests
based on the guidelines of AMA and CMS
We also do ICD coding
related to the CPT and HCPCS codes based on AMA and CMS
guidelines. Read more about our medical coding services